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Individual Coaching


Leadership Coaching

Embrace your leadership style with confidence

Leadership development starts with a desire to be the change you want to see in the world.

  • New to leadership or a new leadership position

  • Interested in updating and developing your leadership skills

  • Looking to become a more effective leader and find your authentic style

  • Develop a roadmap for your professional development and career progression

  • Firefighting and stuck in the details

  • Building confidence and recognize your value as a leader

  • Advance your professional capabilities and skills

  • Enhance your project planning, organization, and time management skills

  • Build stronger, more creative problem-solving skills

  • Increase self awareness and Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • Develop situation analysis, problem/potential problem analysis

  • Effective group/team management

  • Improve job performance


ICF Mentor Coaching

Individual focused mentor coaching

Your Mentor Coaching provides of coaching and feedback in a collaborative, appreciative and dialogued process to increase your competence and capability in coaching, in alignment with the ICF Core Competencies.

  • Initial ICF credentialing mentor coaching support

  • ICF ACC/PCC Renewal mentor coach support

  • 1v1 mentor coaching and Group Mentor Coaching Available

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Customized Coaching

Transform your life

You are the expert on your life, your coach partners with you to tap into your inner brilliance and clarity to help you identify and eliminate the blocks that keep you from being your best self.

  • Define goals and vision for your life, coaching practice and professional development

  • Develop new ways to utilize your strengths and shore up your stretches (weak areas)

  • Uncover and discover beliefs and blocks that keep you from fully embracing your authentic self

  • Leave each session with a clear plan of action and accountability

Partner with your coach to maximize performance, build collaborative teams, effectively manage time, and enhance critical skills required in today’s multi generational, multicultural work environment.

Start Your Coaching Journey

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